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What's one thing Moms and thriving entrepreneurs have in common?

I would have suffered less if I had known this with my first business in 2020.

Something I never want to forget: 

Whatever new and different we do, the first steps are always awkward.

We have no idea what we are doing. 

Our first attempts are painfully embarrassing, especially for a person with a PhD who just quit her established career in a top-notch company. 

I wish I learned to wear that embarrassment as the badge of honor.

Owning that at the age of 35, after building one successful career, I chose to radically transition towards something completely different. 

Choosing to do what I loved instead of settling for what I knew. 

Love the ugly first drafts. 

Gut-wrenching first pitches. 

Mortifying first sales. 

Without a doubt, anything first is suffocatingly scary.

Choose to see your firsts as endless beautiful. Celebrate them.

Because the good things that are yet to come are impossible without them.

Think newborns: gnome-like and endlessly adorable. Each with a tremendous promise, slowly and steadily unfolding. 

Embrace imperfection as a sign of your own growth, as a promise of your own potential realizing, day after day.

We need more kindness to ourselves so that our immense success is not built on bruised hearts and destroyed inner children. 

And our hearts stay open to beauty and wonder ever-present in that world. 

What else helps you on your journey? Drop a comment, let's talk.


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