Draft post title
Systems, Not Discipline
Discipline doesn't work for me. I need systems and environments to support the life I want for myself.
Discipline: I need to spend less time checking my phone.
Systems: Between 5:30 pm and 7:30 am, my phone goes in a green pouch that I don't open.
Discipline: I need to drink more water.
Systems: A water bottle is always on my bedtime table. I never leave the house without a full water bottle.
Discipline: I want to workout more regularly.
Systems: I only check my email after I workout for at least 10 minutes. You want a dopamine rush from email, earn it by moving your body.
Discipline: I want to feel more gratitude for my life.
Systems: I write 5 simple sentences of what I am grateful for in my gratitude journal.
Discipline: I want to spend some time writing my book.
Systems: 9-11 am every morning, I go to Starbucks, and I only write my book there.
Discipline: I want to take more frequent breaks from typing and working.
Systems: I set time for 25 + 5 system. 25 minutes of intense work. 5 minutes of break. I don't distract before 25 minutes are out. And I stretch, drink water, and putter around during the 5 minute break.
Discipline: I want more time with my husband.
Systems: Monday night is a date night.
Discipline: I want my kids to eat healthy.
Systems: No chips or Nutella in the house. Crackers go to the top shelf. Cut apples, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers - always on the table for lunch and dinner.